
Last Will and Testament ...

Wow, I'm 30 years old and I just finished my Will.
It's strange to think about, and hopefully it will be a long, long time before it's ever relevant. But I've seen too many instances where someone's time has come before they, or anyone else was ready. My 401(k) plan offers the service for free, so it was a lot easier for me to sit down and get it done.
Still, the thought of taking an inventory of your valuable possessions, and deciding who you want to have them, is quite intimidating. Am I sentencing myself to doom? I don't think so. I actually feel a lot better now. When my dad was hit by a car driving too close to the shoulder, the eye witness said that my dad had about 5-7 minutes where he was just looking up into the sky ... he was alive for that time, but probably knew he was dying.
I feel like if that were to happen to me, I'd spend my last few minutes thinking about whether or not my family will be okay without me. I have life insurance, I have letters to my family, and now I have my Will. They will be okay.
You just never know what's going to happen in life ... it's good to know that you've done what you can for the ones you'll leave behind.

1 comment:

Kim Wilbanks Cartier said...

I totally understand this feeling. Jon had to go through his will when he first deployed to Haiti with the military. He walked through the house with me telling me what was important for our 4 month old son to have and why. I didn't want to deal with all that. Writing it down, made it, well, real. Like it was going to happen. Of course it didn't, but it was eerie writing down stuff, accepting your mortality.

Thanks for your courage to write and post this.